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We report about places, theme parks, shops, restaurants, and people for print and online media.

Our language services (Translation / Interpretation) benefit greatly to satisfy the needs of our Japanese clients. 

Reportage for:

  • Magazines

  • Guide Books

  • Documentary Books

  • Online Media

  • Location Photography 

  • Article Writing

  • Caption Writing

Harukana New York: Premium Series

TAC Publishing Group

We covered New York City's sightseeing spots, restaurants, and shops for a Japanese guidebook published in November 2019.

Team members: 

Coco Masuda

Steven J Hill

Yoshiji Nishimoto

Guidebook design and editing

K&B Publishers

Photography by Steve J. Hill


Rurubu: Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, 2020 edition

JTB Publishing

We covered Walt Disney World's new shops and attractions to update the Japanese guidebook published in 2020. We were on location for four days and provided the text and photography.


We also photographed Micky and Minnie for the new cover. 

Magazine design and editing by K&B Publishing  


Photography by Steve J. Hill


Murasaki Tea Ceremony

We covered a Japanese tea ceremony held by Murasaki Tea Ceremony.

Photography by Steve J. Hill

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