Coco Masuda as a Linguist
I am not your typical language professional. I am an artist and a businesswoman who has a unique background and a deep love for languages.
Born and raised in Tokyo, I was encouraged to learn English by my father who was in the exporting business. After finishing high school, he sent me to the US to study. Since then I have lived and worked in New York City. In 2021, I started dividing time between New York City and Copake, NY.
My background in illustration, graphic design, fine art, and gallery curation affords me a deep knowledge of art and commerce. As the managing director of a Japanese-owned art gallery, translation and interpretation were part of my duties. Being a web designer keeps me up-to-date with IT terminology in both English and Japanese. I am an avid reader both on and offline.
After my father's sudden passing in 2013, I was thrown into managing a shipping and remittance business for Filipinos living in Japan. This further built a foundation for becoming a translator/interpreter. The unique experience made me a linguist with all-around knowledge.
In July of 2017, I formed CoCollaborations, LLC. We offer various creative and business services including translation and interpretation.